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April 2018
Sheryl Kennedy Campaign Announcement
Wednesday, April 18, Sheryl Kennedy will be formally announcing her campaign for State Representative, 6:00 to 8:00 PM at her new Clio headquarters, 425 W. Vienna Road, Clio across from Gilroy's hardware. Pizza and Pop will be provided.
Find out more »August 2020
GCDP County Convention
Call To The Genesee County Democratic Party Convention In accordance with and under the rules of The Michigan Democratic Party, the Genesee County Democratic Party issues this call to a County Convention to be convened at 10 AM on Saturday, August 15, 2020. The Convention shall be held virtually via Zoom. To register, please sign up at the following link: The purpose of this Convention shall be to elect Members and Alternates of State Convention Committees and to consider…
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