“Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn’t mean politics won’t take an interest in you.” Pericles, Circa 495-429BCE.
True now just as much as it ever was. We are at a critical point in our country where all of our values and institutions are under attack: healthcare, religious freedom, environmental stewardship, women’s rights, education, the list goes on. If we are going to galvanize the energy out there and ease the angst, then we need to get back to our grass roots. Grass roots politics is not dead. As much as we want to blame intangible influences such as money, the reason for recent Democratic losses is due to the disappearance of our grass roots infrastructure. Money doesn’t vote – people do. If you don’t believe me, ask Eric Cantor.
At the newly formed Precinct Delegate Committee we are doing are part to try and rebuild Genesee County’s Democratic presence on the ground by recruiting members of our party to serve as and run for precinct delegate seats in their respective precinct. The precinct is the smallest political unit in the country. The precinct is where elections are won and lost. It is your neighborhood. Precinct delegates are elected directly by the voters of each precinct in the August primary of even-numbered years to serve as a “bridge” between voters and the political party of their choice. In non-election years, the Chair of the county party can appoint precinct delegates to vacant seats. As a precinct delegate, you represent your political party in your neighborhood, and represent your neighborhood at party meetings. The role of the precinct delegate is one of the most important yet least understood of any elected office. It is an active precinct delegate who keeps voters informed on issues, and ultimately the precinct delegates are the people who win elections in any campaign.
There are 95 precincts throughout Genesee County and each precinct has the ability to elect up to nine precinct delegates. Of the 855 available seats in the county, only 154 are filled, leaving 701 vacant. In fact, only TWO precincts have over half of their seats filled (BIG UPS to: Reginald K. Dews, Joyce Ellis-McNeal, Cathie Frederick, John Frederick, Jia Ireland, and Clifford Nunley of Precinct FL56 – Flint as well as Dion Nickolas Allen, Vicki Crawford-Price, Brianna Croom, Gerri Hall, Sharon P. Reeves, and Melvin L. Webster II of Precinct FL60-Flint – YOU are what democracy looks like!).
If we have any hopes of taking back the majority at any level of government, it starts at the precincts. Please fill out the Application to be Appointed a Genesee County_ Democratic Party Delegate and return it to me if you would like to serve as a precinct delegate. For more information on how to become a precinct delegate or what it means to be one, don’t hesitate to contact me, Greg Hull at (608) 443-9169 or ghull@uwalumni.com.
Greg Hull, Co-Chair Precinct Delegate Committee (and Angry Democrat)