In Regards to the Genesee County Conservation District Elections

For the Genesee County Dem Party:

Dear Democrats:

The Genesee County Conservation District is holding elections for Directors (non-partisan) on March 22, 2018 for two 4-year terms of office and one 1-year term of office.  The elections are going to be held as part of the Conservation District’s annual meeting from 11am-2pm at Asbury United Methodist Church (1653 Davison Road, Flint, MI).  Only Genesee County residents are eligible to cast a ballot.

There are the democrats running:

Four-year term: Andy Everman and David Lossing

One-year term: Lauri Elbing and Candice Mushatt

There are three ways to cast a ballot:

  1. Vote in person on Wednesday, March 22, 2018, during the annual meeting to be held at Asbury United Methodist Church from 11am – 2pm.  Ballots will be counted that afternoon.
  2. Call the Conservation District Office at 810-820-2681 and ask for an Absentee Ballot.  The district staff will take your mailing address and mail out an absentee ballot.  The ballot must be returned by March 21, 2018 for it to be counted.
  3. Stop by the Conservation District office at 1525 N. Elms Road, Flint, MI 48532, request a ballot, vote, and turn it in immediately.

To learn more about the Genesee County Conservation District, please visit their website at

Thank you.

David Lossing

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